In recessionary times, Coach is one of the few boutiques where you can get an affordable, good quality handbag. Only problem is that you have to cross the border and pay customs on the way back, not to mention the fact that the exchange rate is not great for US shopping these days.
Well, wave goodbye to those scary border guards because there's a Coach Factory store in Niagara Falls. And yes, I mean Niagara Falls, Canada.
The outlet store has opened at the Canada One Outlets on Lundy's Lane.
Last time I went, I bought a leash for my puppy ($29). That price is even better than the no name leashes at the pet store across the street from my house.
The store gets packed because the prices are comparable to the US outlet prices but it's definitely worth the drive.
Canada One Factory Outlets are located at 7500 Lundy's Lane, Niagara Falls, ON L2H1G8
Regular store hours are Monday - Saturday 10 am - 9 pm and Sunday & holidays 10 am - 6 pm
Happy shopping